Our meters

3-phase meter Telstar
The smart-me Telstar is a powerful and precise 3-phase meter with an integrated Wi-Fi interface for the transmission of real-time data. The 3-phase meter can be easily integrated into the smart-me Cloud and then synchronizes the data automatically and encrypted on our platform.

3-phase meter Telstar CT
The smart-me Telstar CT is a precise MID energy meter with external inputs for current transformers and an integrated Wi-Fi interface. The converter version of the smart-me 3-phase meter Telstar is thus the ideal measuring point for PV systems, e-mobility outlets, and balance meters. The meter automatically synchronizes the data to the smart-me cloud via Wi-Fi.

1-phase meter
Analyze and optimize energy in real-time. The smart-me 1-phase meter has a direct connection to the cloud. It uses the existing Wi-Fi network and can be controlled and evaluated online via smartphone or web portal.
Our gateways

smart-me M-Bus Gateway
With the smart-me M-Bus gateway, you can automatically read water meters, heat meters, cold water meters and other energy meters with the M-Bus interface according to EN 13757-2, -3. Since it uses the existing Wi-Fi network, no additional hardware needs to be installed. The measurement data from the various energy sources (water, heat, gas, temperature) are transferred directly to the smart-me cloud and can be used in the smart-me energy management system. There you can, for example, use the smart-me billing tool to create the consumption-based heating cost bill or water cost bill.
Our modules

smart-me Kamstrup Modul
The smart-me Kamstrup module integrates the Kamstrup Omnipower energy meter into the smart-me cloud. It uses the existing Wi-Fi network and thus connects directly to the smart-me cloud. There, the energy consumption can be analyzed and optimized in real-time.
Our charging stations

smart-me PICO
Pico is the Swiss high-tech charging station. It connects directly to the cloud via Wi-Fi or cellular network. The integrated smart meter exports high-precision measurement data, which is signed for transactions and can be validated at any time free of charge. The station can be integrated into a backend (eCarUp), energy management systems and other third-party systems. In addition, Pico can be used for both static and dynamic load management (including phase balancing). The Pico is certified according to the German calibration and measurement law and is therefore ready for public use in Germany.

OCPP charging stations
Our backend is compatible with numerous charging station manufacturers and models. Because it meets the Open Source communication standard Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) 1.6 JSON. This is a standard software interface for communication between e-charging stations and a backend, such as eCarUp. Stations from a wide variety of manufacturers can be activated and billed via the OCPP interface, and a set of standard commands can be exchanged between the backend and the station. Although OCPP is a standard, we test every charging station before declaring it compliant to make sure everything works for you.
Cloud & App Login
smart-me Cloud
tenant electricity/energy management
eCarUp Cloud
The principle
Smart electricity meters record the consumption of electricity, heat, and water in real-time. The consumption data is transferred to the cloud instantly. Our visualization tools record the optimization potential of all consumers and producers in a building. The data can be accessed at any time via the app or the web portal. In addition to the visualized reports, you can create your own billing statements. Our interfaces offer easy export to any software program. Automated if/then workflows are also easy to implement in order to increase internal consumption in the building.

smart-me Cloud
The smart-me cloud is a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution that is unique in many ways. It offers the possibility of monitoring meter data from all energy carriers in real time. smart-me products connect to the smart-me cloud via Wi-Fi. Third-party meters can also be integrated into the smart-me cloud. The modular structure of the smart-me energy management system is suitable for almost any application in terms of price and functionality.



Available everywhere



Export functions
eCarUp Cloud
Our spin-off eCarUp enables the uncomplicated management and billing of e-charging stations. eCarUp brings all charging stations together on one platform. The charging stations are brought into the cloud-based eCarUp platform via OCPP, API and software interface. The station operators manage their charging stations via app and web portal and design the business model towards the end customer on their own. They can determine the usage rights and tariffs themselves.

Monitoring stations live

Charging overview

Remote Maintenance

Manage tariffs, users & times

Overview of revenues

Export features